What is AJM’s circulation?
130,000 in print; millions online.

What is AJM’s impact factor?

What is AJM’s acceptance rate?
The overall acceptance rate is approximately 17%, but it varies depending upon the article type.

What is AJM’s turnaround time for a decision?
The initial accept/reject/review time frame is 48 hours or less. If the manuscript is sent out for peer review, the time frame depends upon how many reviewers are solicited before AJM receives 2 completed reviews. Generally, the peer review process takes 2 weeks to 1 month, but it could be longer.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, how long does it take before the manuscript is published?
Again, this depends upon the article type and the urgency of the topic. Most manuscripts are published within 3 to 6 months of acceptance. If your manuscript represents a popular article type that AJM has a surplus of, it may be 6 months or more before it is published. In these cases, AJM makes every attempt to publish the manuscript as an article in press before the scheduled issue date.

How can I submit a manuscript to AJM?
Go to our online submission system: http://ees.elsevier.com/ajm If you need technical support during the submission process, contact support@elsevier.com.

Do you have to be an MD or PhD to submit a manuscript to AJM?

How do I subscribe to AJM?
Go to the subscription link on our website.

How do I change the mailing address on my AJM print?
Write to our publisher, Elsevier, at journalcustomerservice-usa@elsevier.com.

How do I subscribe to AJM’s free e-newsletter?
Go to the AJM Plus link on our website.

Who do I contact for permission to use an photograph or image published in AJM?
Write to our publisher, Elsevier, at healthpermissions@elsevier.com.