A 48-year-old man suffering from infectious endocarditis developed septic emboli in the left foot and the right hand. Furthermore, computed tomography (CT) showed several infarcts of the spleen. Consequently, an aortic valvuloplasty was performed. The liver was unremarkable (Figure, A). Four weeks later, the patient presented with severe epigastric pain and jaundice. An arterial phase of an abdominal contrast-enhanced CT scan showed a new, strongly enhancing mass, 45 mm in diameter, with contact to the right hepatic artery (Figure, B, asterisk). Furthermore, dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary ducts was seen.
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— Andreas Gunter Bach, Dr med, Jasmin Abbas, Dominik Schramm, Dr med, Alexey Surov, Dr med
This article is currently an Article in Press on the The American Journal of Medicine website.
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