Every physician has seen patients whose diagnoses and the corresponding medical images are remarkable. Now The American Journal of Medicine has created a medical imaging case report competition to help you share your most fascinating cases.
All members of the international medical community are invited to submit their most extraordinary medical imaging cases for consideration.
The winning submission will detail a fascinating and rare condition or disease entity that led to amazing medical images, seldom seen (not necessarily first-ever case reports). Any type of medical image is acceptable; patient privacy should be maintained. The Journal assumes that the authors have obtained the proper medical releases for the use of these images.

Each entry should include all of the required components for submission to The American Journal of Medicine (ie, cover letter, manuscript with a complete cover page (including IMAGING CONTEST clearly noted on the cover page), text of the case report, at least one high-resolution image with a caption, signed conflict of interest statements from each author). See AJM’s author instructions for a Clinical Communication to the Editor here.
Entries may be submitted immediately and will be accepted until February 1, 2016. The winners will be announced in the AJM in April 2016.
What the Judges are looking for:
- Well-written, concise case reports (650 words total or less)
- Unaltered, high-resolution images (300 dpi or greater) that are related to the case
- Properly formatted entries

- Submit what you believe is an utterly fascinating medical imaging case as described above, using the Elsevier Electronic Submission system (http://ees.elsevier.com/ajm).
- Choose “Clinical Communication to the Editor” as the article type.
- To be considered for the contest, designate “IMAGING CONTEST” on the cover page of your manuscript.
- Submit only new, unpublished case reports with 1-4 high-resolution images per case.
- The discussion and clinical presentation should be no more than 650 words total, including references but not including the caption(s) or the cover page. (Yes, this word count is cast in stone.)
- Individuals may submit up to three separate cases.
- Cases that are not properly formatted or that do not make the contest finals may be considered for publication at Clinical Communications to the Editor.
- The AJM Editorial Board’s selection of the winning image will be final.
Winning entries will be published in the electronic editions of AJM and will receive cash prizes.
[Editors’ Note: The photos that accompany this announcement were published in previous issues of the journal. For the contest, any type of medical image can be submitted.]