Wednesday, March 19, 2025
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Affordable Care Act Ruled Constitutional

SCOTUS Rules Affordable Care Act Constitutional– a Look Back

Seal_of_the_United_States_Supreme_Court.svgToday the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) is constitutional. As Republicans vow to press on and work toward repeal of the whole act, progressives vow to work toward a public option and eventually universal healthcare coverage.

Over the years, The American Journal of Medicine has published dozens of articles on healthcare reform. On this historic day, here are a few of the more recent articles.

The Affordable Care Act and reform…
National Health Insurance: Could It Work in the US?
Dalen and Alpert, July 2008

The 800-Pound Gorilla in the Healthcare Living Room
Alpert, March 2011

On the Critical List: The US Institution of Medicine
Supri and Malone, March 2011

The Affordable Care Act: Facing Up to the Power of the Pen and the Purse
Adashi, March 2011

Should the Affordable Care Act of 2010 Be Repealed?
Dalen, July 2011

And the answer song…
Why the (Un)Affordable Care Act Should Be Repealed and Replaced
Miller et al, May 2012

And on the issue of medical bankruptcy…
Only in America: Bankruptcy Due to Health Care Costs
Dalen, August 2009

Medical Bankruptcy in the United States, 2007: Results of a National Study
Himmelstein et al, August 2009

Medical Bankruptcy in Massachusetts: Has Health Reform Made a Difference?Himmelstein et al, March 2011

Medicare prescription drug coverage: A very long wait for a very modest benefit
Dalen and Hartz, April 2005

It’s Time to Bail Out Seniors Trapped in the Medicare Donut Hole!
Dalen, July 2009

And lest we forget what this is all about…
The Uninsured Patient
Singh and Golden, February 2006

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