The American Journal of Medicine blog got a minor face lift this week, in an effort to strengthen the Journal’s social media presence, as well as tie the blog to other AJM/Elsevier services and resources. Although the slide show carousel of new blog posts still appears at the top, and the latest posts appear in the double column down the middle, several new links and features have been added to the right sidebar column and the footer area.
In the right column under the slide show, we have added a video feature from AJM’s YouTube channel. This widget shows a different, random AJM video each time you visit our blog. It’s a handy way to catch up on research that you may have missed over the years. The video posts include a short description of the featured research and list the AJM issue in which the related article appears. (You can go to our website, pull down the “Articles and Issues” menu, and easily find past issues.) A video tab also has been added at the top of the page with the other compilations.
Below the video box, is a tab section showing the latest posts, the most popular posts, comments, and tags. Again, this is a another way to explore our content and view research articles, case studies, and commentaries when they are sorted in a different manner.
Our Twitter feed (@AmJMed) appears next in the right column. If you’re on Twitter, please follow us. A surprising number of our authors promote their research on Twitter, as do many institutions like the Centers for Disease Control.
In the bottom section of the blog, the first column includes a category word cloud. Just click on a key word and read our blog posts on that topic. In the middle section are links to everything AJM– our primary website (, manuscript submission website, the guide for authors, Twitter and Facebook feeds, iPhone app, and subscription link for our weekly newsletter AJM Plus. We hope you find these new features useful and informative. Let’s connect!